Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Wrestler

View Date: 12/11/09

In this film, Mickey Rourke plays an old professional wrestler past his prime and just trying to eke out a living. He attempts to bond with his estranged daughter and start a relationship with a stripper from his favorite club. But after suffering some major health setbacks, he is advised not to wrestle again or it may kill him, which then removes his only means of income.

I totally understand the hype this movie received, particularly for Mickey Rourke. After his careers as a boxer and actor, he is perfect in this role. You can really feel for his character, even when he is not deserving of sympathy. Marisa Tomei was amazing as a stripper, and looks at least a decade younger than her actual age. Evan Rachel Wood was also very convincing as the estranged teenager pissed off at the dad who essentially abandoned her to travel with his job.

I have watched plenty of professional wrestling in my time, and have even read several memoirs written by wrestlers. This film let me in on some of the secrets used to make the shows exciting. While the performances may be staged, there is a large amount of physical pain involved. It also shows how hard of a living it can be, particularly on the lower tier circuits. So, although this movie was fictional, it was obviously based in fact and provided me with an education.

10 words or less: A must see for both the acting and story.

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