View Date: 11/22/09
Starting off in Estonia, the teams flew to Prague and found a man in a vintage convertible. Because this was the last leg before the finals, everyone was racing really hard and were kind of looking to screw the other teams over. They then needed to make their way to an outdoor adventure center to search for their next clue.
The teams found themselves facing a detour, Fast and Furious or Slow and Steady. In Fast and Furious, teams would need to travel down a white water rapids course and grab a ribbon containing their next clue. If the kayak capsizes before grabbing a ribbon, they had to start over again at the beginning. In Slow and Steady, teams had to maneuver along a ropes course to get their next clue. The brothers chose fast, while Meghan/Cheyne and the Globetrotters chose Slow. Both tasks were very difficult for the teams, with the brothers flipping over several times. The first part of the ropes course was fairly easy, but the competitors really struggled pulling themselves up the second part. Big Easy particularly had trouble due to his size and weight. The brothers wound up switching to Slow, and the married couple chose that as well. Then, once the brothers finished the course before the married couple, they tried to steal the taxi the spouses had requested to wait. The taxi driver wound up taking the brothers after they offered him more money, which did nothing but push the beauty queen to work harder.
After the detour, the teams had to interpret that the flags they grabbed during their last task were directing them to a theater. Cheyne started making enemies and was really rude with everyone, even his partner. They began working with the Globetrotters, then Cheyne left them behind at a tram to take a taxi to the theater. Once there, teams encountered a roadblock where one team member had to search the theater for a miniature mandolin. Once they found the mandolin, they had to bring it on-stage to an opera performer to get their next clue.
Meghan and Cheyne were the first team to find their mandolin and get their clue to head to the pit stop at the Prague Castle. Next were the brothers, followed by the Globetrotters. Brian and Ericka were the last team to arrive at the pit stop, and they found out it was a non-elimination leg. So, it also turns out that this was not the last leg before the finals, but that there would be at least one more episode.
10 words or less: Cheyne, Sam, and Dan should pay.
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