Air Date: 11/12/09
View Date: 11/19/09
We started off seeing the tribes after the first merged tribal council, which showed us another blindside, this time of a former Galu member and a holder of an immunity idol. Russell used his idol as well, and his other tribe members are loving the fact that he no longer has that protection. The majority of the tribe plan to take him out next.
We then got a look at Natalie killing a rat and bringing it back to camp to use as food. She made a big show of how disgusting it was, but also how hungry she was. Russell is bound and determined to find the next immunity idol, and he had already started formulating his plan to retrieve it before leaving for the reward challenge.
At the reward challenge, the tribe members were split into two teams. Then, in groups of two, they had to race out onto the course and retrieve poles with black and white coconuts on them. They then had to arrange the poles as a team so that the white coconuts revealed a four digit number. The crew learned from past challenges and made each team's number different so they couldn't cheat. Then, a blindfolded tribe member had to use their sense of touch to find the same number on a combination lock which would raise a flag. The winning team would be taken to a natural rock slide accompanied by a picnic lunch. One person would have to sit out, which was Natalie. She got to choose one team to support, and would receive whichever outcome they got.
The purple team consisted of Kelly, John, Shambo, and Dave. The yellow team was Brett, Mick, Russell, and Jaison. Purple's number was 4673, which was then passed on to a blindfolded Monica. 7346 was the number Laura needed to find for the yellow team, which was much slower in determining their number. Purple came through in the end and earned their reward. Natalie had backed yellow, so she accompanied them back to camp.
The team that won the reward challenge also received a clue toward finding the immunity idol, which they agreed to share with all of the members of the former Galu. They continued to stragegize while enjoying their day of relaxation, and all but Shambo wanted Russell out next. Back at camp, Russell set right to work looking for the idol and found it yet again without a clue. Russell is so the man! He originally planned to keep this information to himself, but instead chose to tell Shambo about it who responded with shock as expected. She shared the information that Russell's name was on the chopping block, which is exactly what he wanted so that there would be another complete blindside. Their plan was to take out Laura, but if that plan fell through then there could be some support for knocking off Monica.
At the immunity challenge, there was only one immunity necklace up for grabs. The tribe members would have to use grappling hooks to try to retrieve two bags containing puzzle pieces. The first three to retrieve their bags would move on to the next round. In the next round, they would have to try to place one of their puzzle pieces onto a board of shapes, thus toppling down another piece that they would have to place. The person who placed all of their pegs first would win immunity. Mick was the first to retrieve both bags and moved on to the next round. Shambo then got both bags and also moved on. Russell and Laura both snagged their second bag at the same time, but Russell's dropped and Laura proceeded on in the challenge. Once Laura got her first piece, she just blew through her entire board and kicked everyone's butts. With back-to-back immunity wins and just being generally disliked for her dominance around camp, particularly with the girls, she had better watch out. Personally, I think she is really cocky, but almost in a mean way, whereas Russell is cocky with a smile.
Shambo revealed during private interview that Kelly would be going out because Monica wasn't a threat. Jaison was let in on the secret, and he shared it with the other members of Foa Foa. They all agreed to keep the information from the former Galu and play up that Russell was next to go. Dave convinces that the former Galu that they did not need to worry about the idol now, even after some members expressed concern knowing that he found the previous one without a clue. Laura agrees with him, and the deal is done. However, Russell thought he overheard that Natalie would be going home, which leads him into a state of confusion. He shared this member with Jaison, who indicated that they still had a few hours to try to sway them to vote for Russell.
Eric was so pissed off sitting in the jury tonight that he looked absolutely thrilled when Russell pulled out that idol. He was practically jumping out of his seat with each vote for Russell. The first seven votes pulled out were for Russell, none of which counted. Yet all former Galu members' faces dropped as the votes continued to come. Kelly was blindsided, and Laura was pissed. She said something along the lines of “He just stirred up a whole lot of trouble with what he just pulled”. Honestly, he did exactly what he was supposed to with the idol, and it was one of the best uses of the idol in Survivor history.
10 words or less: Russell rocks! He is sooooo the man!
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