Author: Ellen Hopkins
Completion Date: 8/17/09
This novel, written in verse, is the story of three teens who have all tried to commit suicide and meet each other in a psychiatric hospital. The story is told from the perspective of the three teens, each of whom arrived at the facility at different times but proceed through the program at approximately the same times. Each has their own problems to deal with, their own reasons for wanting to kill themselves, and their own path to healing. As they struggle to get better, they begin to rely on each other in the hope that they can face the outside world someday.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, as I did Ms. Hopkins' other novels. I felt that I could really relate to these characters, as I have felt many of the same feelings. I don't know how people of a different, older generation would appreciate this book, but it really struck a chord with me. The verse was perfectly situated for this story. It also shows that, no matter how normal someone may look, or how good their life may look, or even how stable their persona may appear, everything may be different if you dig a little deeper.
10 words or less: A story that touches the heart of teen angst.
Thanks so much, Jen.