Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Air Date: 9/24/09
View Date: 9/27/09

So we started off knowing that Russell was completely evil. And he was starting trouble already right at the beginning of this episode with the only other person who has expressed distrust vocally toward him, who just so happens to be a police officer. To top everything off, Russell believes that there is an immunity idol even before anyone receives a clue to its existence. Lo and behold, he found the damn thing without help and without even knowing it really existed.

In the immunity challenge, the teams had to fight for three balls, which then would be passed to other tribe members who would try to make baskets in the other team's basket. Foa Foa scores the first point while the members switch positions. This is an incredibly physical challenge, and the players are warned by Jeff about cheap shots. Ben gets kicked out of the challenge for a cheap shot to Russ's ankles. Galu won reward and immunity, and Ben won the dubious honor of being the first player in history to be kicked out of a challenge. To top everything off, Mike's performance in the challenge warranted review by the medical team. Turns out, he had very, very low blood pressure and was removed from the game by the medical staff.

Back at Galu, Shambo went spear fishing with no success. Not only that, she also lost some of the gear. In the interviews, some of her teammates indicated that she really screwed herself over and would probably be eliminated soon. One of the members of Galu accompanied Foa Foa back to their camp and was provided with a clue to the immunity idol, not knowing that it was already found. Additionally, she had a very big mouth and definitely did not make any friends at the other camp. Then, Ben proceeded to chop wood throughout the night while everyone else was trying to sleep. That definitely didn't ingratiate himself to the others. And then he really showed no regret during tribal council. Unfortunately, Betsy was taken down because she dared to challenge Russell, and was perceived as a weak link because she was the oldest and viewed as the slowest.

10 words or less: Someone needs to take Russell down.

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