Tuesday, December 8, 2009


View Date: 12/3/09

After a great recap mainly of events since the merge, we jumped right in to life around camp after tribal council. Because of John's switch after the first that sent Laura packing, he was now seen as a threat by his former team members.

The reward challenge started off with the survivors getting money in their tree mail, and headed their way to the reward auction. This year, there was no sharing of either money or food. Shambo got kind of shafted with a mystery item of sea noodles and snails, and Jaison took a chance for his team to snatch a clue for the next elimination challenge. Natalie, in addition to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, bought herself the Survivor shower. Mick immediately spent all of his money on a cheeseburger dinner. There was also a whole roasted chicken and a clue to finding the hidden immunity idol. Finally, John purchased a huge piece of apple pie. Before he was allowed to start eating, he was given the option to forego his piece to let 4 of his tribe members share an entire pie. He chose to keep the piece for himself, which may have set him up for even more trouble, particularly after he stated that he didn't think anyone would vote him out over a piece of pie.

After the challenge, John went out in search of the idol using the clue he purchased at the auction. He was sent to the exact spot Russell found his most recent idol and had no luck. Shambo was found talking to the chickens, telling them that she would think and pray for them when they were slaughtered for lunch that day. While she was cooking them, Shambo and Dave got into it about how to cook. We were then provided with a detailed explanation of her dream where Dave was voted off. This was fine with Russell, who agreed to vote with Shambo to keep her encouraged.

Next up was the immunity challenge. Each contestant was provided with a knotted rope and a very heavy log. The rope was to be held with one hand at a knot. Every three minutes, the contestants would need to switch hands and move down one knot. Jaison's advantage was then revealed that, at any point in the challenge, he could move his hand up two knots. The challenge started, and Jaison used his advantage very early. Once below the last knot, the challengers just had to hold on as long as possible. Jaison, at this point, had a significant upper hand with still having a knot to hold on to. Shambo was the first out, and Natalie was the last female and a real surprise in this challenge. Russell was also a surprise being the first guy and second overall out. It came down to Jaison and Dave. Both were seriously struggling, but Jaison was able to take advantage of his purchase while Dave's rope kept slipping and slipping until his log dropped. Jaison won his first significant challenge, and had immunity for the evening.

Back to camp, and back to strategizing. Dave and Monica think that it will be one of them, and if Shambo gets her way Dave will be going. John and Russell get to talking, and Russell says they are thinking of voting out Mick based on his former agreement with John. But then Russell admits to John that he does have the idol, and Russell decides that John now needs to go. Russell then goes to Dave and says he can save Dave by voting for John. Jaison brings up the point that Shambo may flip on them if they don't vote for Dave because it would remind her of the treatment her former tribe gave her.

At tribal council, Shambo seemed kind of in the dark that people were scrambling to stay in the game. Mick made an interesting comment that no one should be blindsided considering everyone brought their bags to tribal. However, the thoughts were split as to whether the blindsides would continue. Russell play, of course, worked out in the end, and John was sent home to both his and Shambo's surprise. It was really funny watching people's faces as each vote was read. With each vote for John, he and Shambo looked more and more confused, while Russell, Mick, and Dave looked like the cat who ate the canary. They were so pleased with themselves, that it may really get them into trouble soon.

10 words or less: Russell just got rid of a real logicician. What strategery!

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