View Date: 12/15/09
Tonight was the final performance show, and it was different than usual finale performance shows. The episode was only 1 hour long, and there were 6 dancers involved due to the holidays. Each girl would dance with each guy and vice versa, so each dancer would perform 3 times. However, we wouldn't get to see the girls dance with the girls, guys with guys, nor a group routine.
Kathryn and Ryan: Jason Gilkinson Samba. More Ryan without his shirt, smoking hot Kathryn, and terrific partnering skills. Generally a hot routine, and a good way to start the show.
Ellenore and Jakob: Tyce DiOrio Broadway. Very Fosse-esque for the two best dancers in the competition. Jakob had a lot more to do in this routine than Ellenore did, which is a bit of a switch as usually the girls are the focus. Very strong number that showed these two dancers in their best light.
Ashleigh and Russell: Sonya lyrical jazz. It was kind of nice to see these two finally dance together since we didn't get to last week. This was another routine that seemed to focus on the guy with solos, power moves, and the like. Even in the lifts, it was more about his strength than highlighting her. Beautiful number, but Russell was the star.
Ellenore and Ryan: Gary Stewart Jazz. This routine brought back the robot, but combined it with some ballroom moves. It was a little stiff. It seemed like it might be a good routine for Ellenore as this was reminiscent of her personal style. With the knee pads as part of the costume, I kind of thought more time would be spent on the floor. Not one of my favorite routines of the night, but it was unique.
Ashleigh and Jakob: Jean-Marc Foxtrot. I love the foxtrot, and this was no exception. Seeing these two back together was lovely, and the number was a lot of fun. Very much old Hollywood, and the performance quality was there. This is why Ashleigh was kept around this week without dancing last week.
Ellenore and Russell: Jason Gilkinson Paso Doble. Great entrance! I never mind seeing Russell without his shirt, and Ellenore looked smoking hot. Even if the technique wasn't perfect, the performance was beyond belief. Great number, sexy as hell, and one to remember.
Kathryn and Jakob: Desmond Richmondson contemporary. This number was made for these two. You could definitely see these two are contemporary dancers and the years of training they have. Everyone gave it a standing ovation, from the judges to the choreographers to the audience. These two made it look effortless, and may have changed some opinions, especially with the comments from the judges.
Ashleigh and Ryan: Travis Wall contemporary. This number was made for a married couple, and with some of the looks between these two really showcased their love. It was very pretty, but wasn't the best, and I had a hard time getting past the fact that they were married. I also agree with Nigel that Ashleigh has better chemistry with Jakob than with Ryan, but that may just be on the dance floor.
Kathryn and Russell: Tabitha and Napoleon hip hop. We may have found a number that Kathryn doesn't do as well. She was really good at the dance parts of it, but I felt she didn't hit hard enough when needed. I seem to be in the minority here. I'm not saying she was awful, but for me she was the weaker link. Russell is the man, and did absolutely everything he was supposed to.
The top four should be Ellenore, Kathryn, Jakob, and Russell. Ryan and Ashleigh did well tonight, but just couldn't match the other four. I think it would have been interesting seeing Mollee and Legacy in the mix, and it may have been an even harder decision than it already is.
10 words or less: This season's scheduling sucks. Stick with the summer!
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