Friday, December 25, 2009


View Date: 12/17/09

With the finale on Sunday, we should be seeing two more survivors leaving in tonight's episode. We were treated with a bit of talk from Brett, which was nice because he was the only “true Galu” left. We really haven't seen or know much about him. If he makes it to the final, I really hope the audience gets a chance to learn a bit more about him before Sunday.

We quickly learn that Brett is quite religious, and according to Natalie, a real sweetheart. He feels that he is building a trusting relationship with Natalie. Russell seems back to his old snippy ways

The survivors are split into two teams of three. There is a tangle of ropes on which coconuts are suspended. The teams were then to take turns pulling ropes, trying to keep as many coconuts suspended as possible. Each time a coconut drops on one of their rope pulls, it counts against their team. The first team to 100 coconuts loses. The other team goes to a local village to spend the night, with accommodations including mattresses and pillows. Rocks are chosen to decide team captains, and it winds up being Russell and Natalie. Natalie chooses Brett and Mick, while Russell chooses Jaison and Shambo.

While playing the game, Natalie's team says a prayer, while Russell and Shambo discuss Natalie picking Brett first. Russell's team starts off rough, but the coconuts start falling with an amazing prediction by Shambo. Russell then lucks out and doesn't drop any on his next turn, while Brett drops a boatload and loses it for Natalie's team. Russell's team heads off tot he reward with concern in their hearts over Natalie's choices.

Heading out to the reward, Jaison made a point saying that a reward didn't mean anything to him because he had no idea what one was. He had struggled every day of the game, and was floored by the feast. Once sated, they joined the locals in a dance.

Back at camp, Brett suggested making a reward for themselves. He suggested going searching for snails as a group, then taking them to the beach and chilling while spending time together and watching the sunset. Even though Natalie seems to have a thing for Brett, she is also enough of a competitor to realize strategy is also part of the game. She still is in with Russell, and would probably have a good chance to win against him. Russell feels that Natalie is still totally tight with him, but does put a hint of doubt in the minds of his reward team members. Back at camp, Natalie confirmed that her loyalty was still with Russell.

At the elimination challenge, the competitors had to run out and count the items in each of six areas. They then raced back to their table and kept track of their numbers using tiles. Once they had six numbers, they had to use those to solve a combination lock. The code on the lock was different for each person. Once the lock was released, they would use the piece released to break their tile. The first person to break the tile wins immunity. Brett won immunity again after taking his time with his numbers, so it looks like Mick will be Russell's target. Jaison is of the opinion that Shambo should go home tonight, as she is of no help beating Brett in the challenges.

A little surprisingly, Shambo was voted out tonight in a unanimous vote. I understand voting off both her and Mick, but I thought it would be easier to win against Shambo. Tonight was also the last night that the hidden immunity idol could be played, but Russell decided to take it home a souvenir.

10 words or less: Should make for a great finale.

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