This movie stars Meryl Streep as Julia Child and Amy Adams as the eponymous Julie. While feeling very down about her life after a move, Julie, with the support of her husband, decides to tackle a huge challenge: cooking all the recipes from Julia Child's most famous cookbook. She gives herself one year to complete over 500 recipes.
The movie parallels Julie's life with that of Julia Child. We first see her arriving in France with her husband's job. She becomes rather bored with the typical activities of French housewives. After discussions with her husband, she realizes that her greatest passion is food. She enrolls in a general cooking class for women, but becomes disenfranchised after the first class. She petitions the head of the school to take the more advanced class, and reluctantly is allowed in. The movie then follows her through her schooling and subsequent writing of her most famous cookbook.
This movie was everything a movie should be. It was light-hearted but also had its sentimental moments. There were challenges to overcome and obstacles to be conquered. It was essentially a comparitive biography in film form. It kept the two story lines separate, yet showed how they intertwined as well.
10 words or less: Everything a movie should be.
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