Air Date: Wednesdays, 9pm, Fox
This dark comedy revolves around the glee club of a high school in Ohio. It starts off as a group of misfits, but then expands as the star quarterback discovers a love of singing (and is blackmailed by the glee club advisor). In addition, the head of the cheerleaders, also known as The Cheerios, is out to destroy the glee club, and is doing absolutely everything she has to to do so. We see all of the stereotypes of high school, including the drama geek/singer, uber-jocks, gay male, etc. we also get to see the interactions of the teachers and their loved ones. Overall, there are some really messed up relationships for both the kids and the adults, ones that would rival any soap opera.
I'm a sucker for musicals, but let me tell you that the music in this show is amazing. The main actress created roles in Broadway musicals, and by the way she sings, you can tell her talent is for real. On one recent episode, Kristen Chenowith guest starred and showed off her amazing singing voice. Let me tell you, this girl who plays Rachel was able to compete with her, and I love Ms. Chenowith. The other kids are also very impressive, particularly the actress who plays Mercedes. She also has an amazing voice, and could be the next Aretha Franklin.
I love this show, and make sure to watch it every week. Yes, the story gets crazier and crazier every week, but that just makes it more of a must see. The amazing Jane Lynch goes so over the top with her character, you never know what will come out of her mouth next.
If you haven't seen this show yet, do so now. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. Go watch, and join the millions that have already been sucked in.
10 words or less: Join the madness. It's contagious!
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