Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Air Date: 10/1/09
View Date: 10/6/09

The episode started off with more scheming and plotting by Russell, and peeks into both tribes revealed members who were very unpleased with life around camp. It now seems like Russell is aiming for Ashley, which just baffles me, because he's just picking off his alliances.

With the delivery of the tree mail giving the clue for the next challenge, a bag of bathing suits also arrived which uplifted the competitors spirits. At the challenge, with both immunity and reward up for grabs, the teams had to go out and retrieve crates from a battle zone, and then stack them so no colors repeated on any side of the stack. Additionally, this challenge was for six players per side, so both teams got to sit people out. Galu won yet again, and Russell from Galu got to make a crucial decision between comfort and function. He chose comfort, and the girls on his tribe were very happy. The guys, on the other hand, were upset that function was not chosen. Shambo was then selected to join Foa Foa until tribal council to observe, etc.

Shambo found a group much more to her tastes in Foa Foa. While she was becoming familiar around camp, the discussion revolved around who would be going home and in what order. It was between Ben and Ashley, with Russell having 4 votes to kick Ashley out. Jaison is getting incredibly upset with keeping Ben around, and the other guys gang up on him trying to convince him to maintain guy power in camp. Jaison had better watch out, though, because he seems to be giving Russell a bit of a hard time on this, and that doesn't seem to work out well for anyone.

Tribal council was a showdown between Ben and Jaison. Jaison had it right when he called Ben a bully, and even pointed out very typical bully behaviors. Ben wouldn't listen to a single argument, and everyone else tried to say out of it as much as possible. In the end, Ben was surprised by being voted out. It was likely his outbursts at tribal council that changed a few minds, or firmed up a few plans, because he was voted out unanimously.

10 words or less: It's about time. But someone needs to take down Russell.

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