Saturday, October 31, 2009


Air Date: 10/29/09
View Date: 10/31/09

This week's episode again started off with a peek into the strategizing at each camp, as well as the misery being experienced due to the weather. Galu still had to elect a new leader, and the guys decided to elect Shambo to get her on their side. Luckily the guys had the numbers to make it happen. Monica started questioning her status in the tribe with the election because she thought Shambo was going home next. The guys don't have any faith in Shambo, but wanted her on their side.

The reward challenge was a matching game. The tribe members searched for thirteen matching pairs of survival items, and would be awarded a point for each match. However, the tribe leader could keep the item uncovered by forfeiting the point for the match. The reward was travelling by sailboat for the day with a feast. Galu found the first two matches and decided to keep the firestarting kit, then later kept a tarp. The matches continued, with everyone keeping the points to try to win the reward. In the end, Galu won the reward, but also sent a member to the Foa Foa camp who would not participate in the reward. Team members, particularly the girls, did question Shambo's decision to send Laura and her leadership in general.

Laura started palling around Foa Foa and pulling others from doing work around camp. Russell planted the seed of starting an alliance with her and Natalie, while Natalie really buddied up with her.

At the immunity challenge, the tribe members had to paddle out to retrieve 6 sets of fish shaped puzzle pieces. Once all sets had been retrieved, three members would complete a puzzle, with immunity going to the winner. Foa Foa wondered if the leader necklace was bad luck and left it at home. Jeff indicated that, as long as they had a leader, the necklace was just symbolic. Foa Foa got off to a great lead, and tend to be pretty competitive with purely physical challenges. Rather than paddling, teams swam and pushed their boats out tot he pieces, but rowed back to the shore. Three members of each tribe worked on the puzzles while the other members untied puzzle pieces. Galu won the challenge, even after Foa Foa came up with the pattern first. Jaison seemed to give up during this challenge, both after the collection and during his working on the puzzle.

After the challenge, Russell started questioning his plans to knock out Liz and began thinking about Jaison. Jaison did realize that he might be at risk due to his performance at the challenge. At tribal, Russell indicated that he was really hoping for the merge to even have a chance at winning. Liz was voted out, and Jeff indicated that they weren't very good at challenges, but were getting really good at blindsides.

10 words or less: Waiting for the merge next week.

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