Sunday, October 18, 2009


Air Date: 10/15/09
View Date: 10/17/09

We started off this episode by seeing the aftermath of Galu's first tribal council back at their camp. Because of her vote, Monica is now aiming for Shambo and wants her gone. We were then shown a brief look into the Foa Foa tribe, who were hyped up after the win and presented mixed opinions about tree mail. Liz starts trying to manipulate Russell's next vote, but he instead perceives her as a threat and aims to take her out.

During the reward challenge, Jeff spun a wheel and a member from each tribe tossed a ball Like a game of roulette. This would choose the ingredients, which Jeff would then blend together into a survivor smoothie. If the tribe member was able to get the smoothie down, whether or not they beat the other team, they got a point for their team. The winner of the challenge was rewarded with a Survivor barbecue. I was personally totally disgusted just by watching the smoothies being made. During the the last glass, Ashley from Foa Foa fails to finish her glass after some major heckling from Galu. Russell decides to send Shambo on the spy mission as payment for losing the chicken, even after she tries to argue with him to send someone else.

Ashley was shown feeling horrible for losing the challenge for Foa Foa, then we get to see Galu try to prepare the barbecue. Russell of Galu is having real problems starting the fire, and Dave refuses to help at first. Shambo, on the other hand, was absolute pissed because she didn't get to participate in the barbecue. Shambo shared the immunity idol clues with Foa Foa, and no one can find it. It was guessed that either Ben or Russell had the immunity idol, and Russell straight out lies to the tribe about having it. Liz confronts him about it, and he gets very defensive and threaten-y about it.

That night, the tribes get hit with incredible amounts of rain, which makes the girls on the Galu tribe almost regret choosing blankets over the tarp in a previous challenge. During the immunity challenge, Shambo returns to her original tribe. One man and one woman from each tribe has to hold on to a rope connected to a net. The other members of the tribes then attmpt to shoot coconuts into the opposing team's nets until they cannot hold on anymore. Galu is incredibly successful in getting those coconuts into the net, which knocks Russell of Foa Foa out. Before anyone from Galu gets eliminated, Liz succumbs to the almost perfect aim of Galu and sends Foa Foa to tribal council once again. However, everyone, including members of the other tribe, are amazed by Liz's performance.

Everyone is miserable, and their hands and feet are looking really bad. The rain has really taken a tole on everyone, and they take a different strategy towards scrambling. They first try to discuss as a group who everyone wants to vote for. After that, Ashley makes the suggestion that everyone packs their bags and everyone votes for whoever they want rather than trying to strategize, which is agreed upon by the group. At tribal, Jaison reveals that he was on the US national team in water polo to his tribe, which he had not yet made known to the group. With everyone voting on their own tonight, Ashley was eliminated unanimously, primarily based on challenge performance.

10 words or less: Foa Foa really needs to catch a break.

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