This is the sixth Rocky movie in the franchise, and not too bad overall. It tells the story of an aging boxer who runs a Philadelphia eatery who is not completely satisfied with his place in the world. He is constantly at odds with his son who desperately wants to find a way out from his father's shadow. Adrian has died and he has not been able to get past it two years later. After some soul searching, he realizes that he misses boxing and decides he would like to take part in a few local matches even though he is very old by boxing standards.
This movie seemed to capture some of the emotions and drama from the early movies. I was luckily able to see some clips from the extrasam even though I watched this movie on TV. It described how various parts were recreated from the original, whereas other parts were based on real life experiences of both Stallone and other boxers.
Considering the fact that this was made about 30 years after the original, it was one of the better movies in the series. I really felt for Rocky, and Stallone really looked the part of a person who had been beaten for many, many years on a routine basis. I could also relate to the son, who just wanted to find his own way in the world and be respected for he is, not just because of who his father is. The loss of Adrian was felt by all of us, but the role of female supporter was successfully filled. Overall, I thought this was a surprisingly good movie that really kept my attention.
10 words or less: If Stallone hadn't been Rocky, would he be a star?
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