Thursday, July 30, 2009


Author: Melvin Burgess
Completion Date: 7/20/09

This book is a story about a normal kid who runs away in England to escape abuse from his alcoholic parents. He is a really good kid that just needs to find a new situation in life. His girlfriend follows, and she introduces him to a group of friends that are into heroin. Prior to this, he had smoked some pot and drank, perhaps tried a few other, more minor drugs. But once he starts with smack, he can’t stop. The story follows his decline into addiction, his attempts to get clean, and the effect both have on his relationships.

I really like the format of this book. Each chapter is written from the perspective of a different character in the story. I found the prose itself rather difficult to read, partially because of the style and partially because of the British slang used throughout the story. I thought parts of it were really moving, and thought it really delved into the troubles of both runaways and addicts.

10 words or less: OK, but I won't read it again.

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